About this Course
This course is designed to teach beginners, in a clear & easy way, the rules of how to properly recite the Qur'an. The main text used is "Tuhfatul Atfaal" by Imam al-Jamzuri.
Course curriculum
Tajweed101 - Tuhfatul Atfaal
Telegram Group
Introduction to "Tuhfatul Atfaal" [تُحْفَةُ الْأَطْفَال]
Lesson #1 Quiz
What is Tajweed & Lahn? [تَجْوِيد & لَحْن]
Lesson #2 Quiz
What is Lahn Al-Jali? [اللَّحْنُ الْجَلِي]
Lesson #3 Quiz
What is Lahn Al-Khafi? [اللَّحْنُ الْخَفِي]
Lesson #4 Quiz
Harakah [حَرَكَة]
Saakinah Letters & Shaddah
The Rules of Noon Saakinah [نُون سَاكِنَة] and Tanween [تَنْوِين]
Idhhaar [إِظْهَار]
Idghaam [إِدْغَام]
Idghaam with Ghunnah [إِدْغَام بِغُنَّةٍ]
Idghaam without Ghunnah [إِدْغَام بِغَيْرِ غُنَّة]
Iqlaab [إِقْلَاب]
Ikhfaa' [إِخْفَاء]
New Lessons Coming Soon insha'Allah...

About this course
- 20 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content
About the Instructor
Hayat Marso was born in Karachi, Pakistan and immigrated to USA with his family when he was fourteen years old. He then memorized the Noble Qurān in 2011 at Al-Huda Hifzh School in College Park, Maryland, under the guidance of Shaykh Mohammad Nahavandi. In 2017, he began formally studying at the Islamic University of Madinah and earned his associates from the Arabic Language Program for Non-Arabic Speakers in 2019 and bachelor’s from the College of Noble Qurān and Islamic Studies in 2023, becoming the fourth American to graduate from the College of Noble Qurān. He also received a diploma in Arabic from the Madinah Arabic Tuition Center and Arabi Center for Arabic Studies in Alexandria, Egypt. Since completing the memorization of the Qurān, he has been studying Islam and its sciences and has received ijāzāt in different Qirāāt from the teachers of Masjid An-Nabawi.