About this Course

This course is about the correct creed (aqeedah) of Muslims upon the sunnah regarding the foundations of the religion, detailing the proper belief on topics such as faith, the Qur'an, the Divine Decree, the Hereafter, and other essential subjects.

Course curriculum

    1. What is Aqeedah?

    2. Quiz #1

    1. It is Tawqeefy

    2. It is Ghaiby

    3. It is Shaamil

    4. It is Wasatiyyah

    5. Terms for Aqeedah

    6. Quiz #2

    1. Terms for the Believers

    2. Hadith of 73 Sects

    3. The Saved Sect

    4. Names of the Saved Sect

    5. Do You Have to Name Yourself?

    6. Quiz #3

    1. Chain of Narration [Isnaad]

    2. History & Importance of the Isnaad

    3. Quiz #4

    1. Eemaan [Belief]

    2. Quiz #5

    1. Correct View of the Qur'an

    2. Heretical Views of the Qur'an

    3. Quiz #6

About this course

  • Free
  • 67 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

About the Instructor

Imam Ehsan Arshad is from Birmingham, UK and is a graduate of the Islamic University of Madinah's Arabic Institute as well as the Faculty of Dawah & Usool Al-Deen.  He is currently an Imam and Head of Madrasah at Islamic Dewsbury Mosque, England.