About this Course
This course is the first volume of the series, “The Authentic Statements of the Companions” (May Allah be pleased with them all). It covers what has been authentically established from various Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) regarding a variety of topics pertaining to Aqeedah, Fiqh, Tafsir, Seerah, and Manhaj, among many other aspects of the deen.
The purpose behind compiling these statements is to help practicing Muslims connect to the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them all). Many Muslims genuinely want to follow the Salaf in general, and the Companions more specifically, but don’t actually know where or how they can learn what the Companions have actually said or what views they held regarding various aspects of Islam.
Additionally, this course further emphasizes the importance of only following what is authentically established. In recent times, a lot of inauthentic information has become widespread, including weak and fabricated ahadith being wrongly attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So an important aspect of this course is only including in it what has been authentically established as true.
About the Instructor
Br. Omar Chatila has been working in the field of Islamic Education for many years as a teacher and administrator. After receiving his bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Maryland College Park, Br. Omar went on to complete his Masters Degree in Management from Wake Forest University. He has served as the Principal of a full-time Islamic school in Florida for six years, and has also served as the President of the Florida Islamic Schools Association and the Vice President of the Council of Islamic Schools in North America in the past. Br. Omar has been actively involved in the local Muslim communities that he has lived in over the years, and has taught classes and given Khutbahs on a regular basis. He has a wide range of teaching experience that includes teaching children in Elementary, Middle, and High School, as well as working with Graduate and Undergraduate students at the College level. Br. Omar has studied the deen with various shuyukh and students of knowledge, both in Lebanon where he is originally from as well as here in the United States, but he has benefitted the most in furthering his journey of seeking knowledge through independently studying some of the works and lectures of Sheikh Al-Albani (rahimahullah) as well as some of his main students who are active in Jordan today, as well as other scholars from Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah past and present.
Course curriculum
Authentic Statements of the Companions of Prophet Muhammad (Volume 1)
Following the Guidance of the Best of People
"Every innovation is a misguidance"
"How quick are people to criticize what they don't know"
"This deen is not according to opinions"

About this course
- 28 lessons
- 3 hours of video content